Difference: MinimalLectures (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82024-03-26 - UliRaich

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Lecture notes


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led_ring_front_small.png led_ring_back_small.png
front view of LED ring back side of the prototype board
In the 2024 ASP edition, the IoT workshop has been extended to 2 1/2 days and we have a few new devices. First of all we now have real sensors which measure air temperature and relaitive humidity and the barometric pressure. This will allow us to create a simplistic weather station.
In the 2024 ASP edition, the IoT workshop has been extended to 2 1/2 days and we have a few new devices. First of all, we now have real sensors which measure air temperature, relative humidity and the barometric pressure. This will allow us to create a simplistic weather station.
sht30-1.png bmp180shield.png
SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor BMP180 barometric pressure sensor
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