Difference: MinimalLectures (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92024-03-28 - UliRaich

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Lecture notes


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 In the 2024 ASP edition, the IoT workshop has been extended to 2 1/2 days and we have a few new devices. First of all, we now have real sensors which measure air temperature, relative humidity and the barometric pressure. This will allow us to create a simplistic weather station.
sht30-1.png bmp180shield.png
SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor BMP180 barometric pressure sensor
Often it is desirable to have a local display to show results without having to transfer data to a remote machine. A cheap monochrome OLED (Organic LED) display is available for the WeMos D1 mini bus but its resolution of 64x46 pixels is a bit too limited.


It is however easily possible to put an OLED with 128x64 pixels onto a prototype board, which I did for this workshop.

oled_front.png oled_proto_front.png oled_proto_back.png
128x64 pixel monochrome OLED display display prototype board (front) display prototype board (back)
  Also the actuators have been extended with a small stepping motor and its driver board and there are exercises to make the motor move forward and backwards in different modes and speeds.
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