Difference: Lecture11:The2LineLCDDisplay (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52017-11-16 - uli

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Start Presentation

Slide 1: The 2 Line LCD Display and its HD44780 Controller

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Interfacing the display


The PCF8574 I2C interface

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Interfacing signals

The display needs a large number of interface signals
to be able to work:

  • Min. 4 data lines
  • R/W line
  • register select
  • back light
  • back light power
  • power
  • gnd
The display needs a large number of interface signals
to be able to work:

  • Min. 4 data lines
  • R/W line
  • register select
  • back light
  • back light power
  • power
  • gnd

A data byte to be sent

  We will therefore need a great deal of bit fiddling
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Interfacing to the MPU

The HD44780 can be controlled with 8 or with 4 data bits.

In 4 bit mode (this is what we use) with the lower 4 MPU bits
The HD44780 can be controlled with 8 or with 4 data bits.

In 4 bit mode (this is what we use) with the higher 4 MPU bits
connected to d4-d7 while the upper 4 MPU bits are used to drive.
connected to d4-d7. The hd44780 data lines d0 – d3 are disabled

The hd44780 data lines d0 – d3 are disabled

The upper four bits are used to drive

The lower four bits are used to drive
  • RS (register select)
  • RW (read / write)
  • Strobe (E=enable)
  • and back light
In this case the four highest significant data bits are sent first.

In this case the four highest significant data bits are sent first.



Instruction Summary


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  • Strobe the data into the controller
  • Repeat the same thing for the lower significant
    8 bits of the data we want to write
  • Keep the BL bit constant

Strobe function

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