Difference: Lecture3:IntroductionToCProgramming (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-09-07 - uli

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META TOPICPARENT name="LectureSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: A bit of C programming

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  • enum
And you can define your own data types with typedef



We modify the program to do some calculation:

We modify the program to do some calculation:


Calculating the Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci numbers:

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 …

or xn = xn-1+xn-2

How can we write a program to calculate up to 12 such numbers?

This can easily be done in a for loop

The for loop


The while loop

Can we also do calculations as long as the Fibonacci number

does not exceed a certain value?



We can define variables which do not contain the value but

the address of where the value is stored in memory:

char a=5; is the value

char *myText=”Hello World!”;

myText points to the place in memory where Hello World is stored.

Pointer Example


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