Difference: Lecture3:IntroductionToCProgramming (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42017-09-08 - uli

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Start Presentation

Slide 1: A bit of C programming

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  “Hello World” program
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {

printf(“Hello World!\n”);


Let us try to compile and execute this program
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  • enum
And you can define your own data types with typedef




  We modify the program to do some calculation:



Conditions: the if statement

Conditions can be tested with if

if (a < b)

printf(“a is bigger than b\n”);


printf(“b is bigger than a\n”);


Calculating the Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci numbers:

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Pointer Example



Command line arguments

The main routine has 2 parameters, which we did not use

yet as well as a return code.

int main(int argc, char ** argv) or

int main(int argv, char *argv[ ]);

int argc is the number of arguments passed

char **argv is a pointer to a list of null terminated C strings.

Command line arguments example


-- Uli Raich - 2017-09-07

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