name="CourseExercises" |
Mid - Semester Quiz Embedded Systems course General remarks: In the following quiz more than one answer may be correct or all of the answers may be wrong. Linux commands
You have downloaded the file yesterday.txt into your Downloads directory, which is a sub-directory of your home directory, as is the directory exercises. You want to copy this file into the exercises/solutions/exercise_2 First you do:
cd ~/exercises/solutions/exercise_3
Which of the following commands will copy the file as desired?
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You are the super user and you do: cd / rm -rf
This will: |
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You type: ls ~/Downloads > downloads.txt
What will it print?
All the file names in your Download directory
nothing, but it will create an empty file named downloads.txt
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C programming |
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What does this function do?

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It calculates and returns the value of the sin function of an angle, which must be given radians (the angle parameter must be a double value in radians)
It returns an error message
It is simply plain wrong and does not compile
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Here is an add function and its calling main program in a single file . The file is named “add.c”. What does this program do?

> > | - Here is an add function and its calling main program in a single file . The file is named “add.c”. What does this program do?
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You declare a pointer in this way:
char *helloWorld=”Hello World!”; |
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< < | char *helloPtr = helloWorld;
> > | - Pointers
You declare a pointer in this way:
char *helloWorld=”Hello World!”; char *helloPtr = helloWorld;
What is the value of the helloPtr?
The address of the character ‘H’
The character H, which has the hex value of 0x48
It contains all the characters of the string “Hello World!”
The same value as helloWorld
none of the above
The Raspberry Pi
What is gpio?
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< < | What is the I2C bus? |
> > | - What is the I2C bus?
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a data line (SDA)
| Understanding data sheets
Please read the attached data sheet and find out what the device does |
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It is a device that is used to store non-volatile information in a micro-controller chip such as the ARM processor we use on the Raspberry Pi
It is a memory type specially designed for embedded systems
It is a memory type used within sensors
< < | Good luck! |
> > | Good luck! Solutions:
The correct answers are highlighted in blue. |
-- Uli Raich - 2017-11-15 |