Difference: RaspberryPi (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-09-22 - uli

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META TOPICPARENT name="CourseExercises"

Exercises 4: The Raspberry Pi


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 These exercises are supposed to show you similarities and differences between the two systems.

Exercise 1: Linux on the Raspberry Pi

First try to get access to the Raspberry Pi through the remote desktop as well as through ssh. Try if you can copy files back and forth between the PC to the Pi using scp.
 Poke through the Linux file system on the Raspberry Pi and try to find differences to the PC. Run the commands you tried on the PC during the very first lab session.

Exercise 2: Compile for ARM

Cross compile the programs you wrote in the exercise on C programming on the PC to run them on the Raspberry Pi, which uses the ARM processor. With the file command find out for which machine the program has been compiled. Does the cross compiled program run on the PC and why?
Create a file system structure for the exercises similar to the one on the PC with ~/exercises, problems, solutions, doc etc. in them, also on the Raspberry Pi. Copy the C programs from the codeExamples written for the PC over to the Pi using the scp command. In which directory do you place them?

Use the Raspberry Pi gcc compiler to compile these C files and try to run them on the Pi. Do they run the same way as on the PC?

Copy the cross compiled program to the Raspberry Pi using scp and run in on the Raspberry.

Exercise 3: Communication

Cross compile the programs you wrote in the exercise on C programming on the PC to run them on the Raspberry Pi, which uses the ARM processor. The cross compiler is named arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc. With the file command find out for which machine the program has been compiled. Does the cross compiled program run on the PC and why? Does it run on the Pi? Can you write a Makefile which uses the cross compiler instead of the native compiler?
Compile the socket server from the last lab session and run it on the Raspberry Pi. Then run the socket client on the PC and make sure the communication between the two machines works as expected. You may have to modify the IP address, the clients asks to connect to, in such a way that it corresponds to the Raspberry Pi IP address.
Copy the cross compiled programs to the Raspberry Pi using scp and try to run them there.
  -- Uli Raich - 2017-08-13
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