Difference: RobotKit (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102017-11-21 - uli

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The Robot

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  The robot was bought in China for a mere 20 US$ including the Arduino Uno control unit with USB cable for connection to the PC for programming, the L298N motor control unit, driving the DC motors and the servo motor for the ultra-sonic sensor as well as the Arduino sensor shield. In addition the kit includes a battery holder and a power switch such that the robot can work autonomously.
The Arduino and the sensor shield can also be used for readout and control of the sensors in the sensor kit, which we bought for control by the Raspberry Pi. The Arduino however needs its own software development kit (SDK) installed on the PC for development of the control software.
The Arduino and the sensor shield can also be used for readout and control of the sensors in the sensor kit, which we bought for control by the Raspberry Pi. The Arduino however needs its own software development kit (SDK) installed on the PC for development of the robot software.

Assembling the chassis

As with most of the devices I bought in China, the kit came without any documentation. Not even assembly instructions for the mechanical parts are available. I was pretty lucky to find 2 Youtube videos showing how to assemble the device:

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