Difference: RobotKit (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82017-04-27 - uli

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The Robot

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Here are some pages on the robot software
 -- Uli Raich - 2017-01-24



Good afternoon sir. I have been trying to install the SDK but I get an error when I run the install.sh I have searched online for solutions but I can't find any. I really need your help. Attached is a screenshot of the error.Thank you.

Good afternoon sir. I have been trying to install the SDK but I get an error when I run the install.sh I have searched online for solutions but I can't find any. I really need your help. Attached is a screenshot of the error.Thank you.
  -- Enoch Sowah - 2017-03-19
The SDK launches when I execute the 'ant run' command but I get the error when I run the install.sh file
The SDK launches when I execute the 'ant run' command but I get the error when I run the install.sh file
  -- Enoch Sowah - 2017-03-19
Line: 91 to 90
  -- Enoch Sowah - 2017-03-19
 Good day sir! I have the same issues when i run the install.sh. We need your help on that. But there is a new upgrade with the packages because the firmata2.5.4 has change to firmata2.5.5 in out directory and that is generated automatically after we issue the command ant dist

-- John Aubyn - 2017-03-19

I'm pretty sure the upgrade is the cause of the problem
I'm pretty sure the upgrade is the cause of the problem
  -- John Aubyn - 2017-03-19
Line: 101 to 98
  -- John Aubyn - 2017-03-19
 After compiling the Arduino SDK, can you run it at /opt/ucc/micros/arduino/arduinoSDK/build/linux/work/arduino ? I have my desktop file installed in $HOME/.local/share/applications. So this is valid for my user only. Installing it in /usr/share/applications make is usable system wide.
An easy way to generate the .desktop file is to run the program,in which case the icon should come up on the Unity task bar. Then you can fix it there right clicking the icon and selecting "lock to launcher".
An easy way to generate the .desktop file is to run the program,in which case the icon should come up on the Unity task bar. Then you can fix it there right clicking the icon and selecting "lock to launcher".
  -- Uli Raich - 2017-03-25
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