Difference: TheUCCOpenDay (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52018-08-31 - UliRaich

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The UCC open day

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  It is particularly interesting to run the program with -v slow because then you can see on the LEDS how the individual coils are powered in the different modes.
Show off that the motor can run in clockwise or counter clockwise direction, show that is can stop a a certain angle (calculate the number of steps yourself), and show that in half step mode (higher precision in angle) you need double the steps to reach the same angle.
Show off that the motor can run in clockwise or counter clockwise direction, show that is can stop at a certain angle (calculate the number of steps yourself), and show that in half step mode (higher precision in angle) you need double the steps to reach the same angle.

The Voltmeter

The voltmeter uses an 8 bit ADC whose input is connected to a voltage coming from a potentiometer. If you turn the pot, the voltage will change and you will read another digital value from the ADC. The hexadecimal value read from the ADC is displayed on the LCD display together with the voltage. Since the values 0..0xff correspond to 0..Vcc (which is 3.3V) you can easily calculate the conversion.

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