Difference: ADCAndDAC (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52020-07-31 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

Exercise 9: Analogue to Digital (ADC) and Digital to Analogue (DAC) conversion


Line: 52 to 53
 Here is the DAC versus ADC measurement on the ESP32 ADC after correction:



A pulse generator on the DAC

In order to bring up the pulse generator on the DAC we will need an oscilloscope to observe the signals. In out toolbox we have a small number of Hantek6022 scopes for which driver software is available. I tried to bring up the scope staring from the source at https://github.com/OpenHantek/OpenHantek6022.

Making the Hantek6022 oscilloscope work

In order to build OpenHantek from source you will needed to install a few additional packages:

  • qttool5-dev for Qt5Linguist
  • libusb-1.0.0-dev
  • libfftw3-dev
Once you clone the software from the repository create the build directory:cd OpenHantek

mkdir build cd build cmake ..

This will create the Makefile for you. All that is left is making the project.

Finally you must allow user USB access to the Oscilloscope by copying 60-hantek.rules which you find in the utils/udev_rules directory to /etc/udev/rules.d. Unplug and re-plug your Hantek scope (Use the black USB connector).

After compilation you will find the OpenHantek binary in build/openhantek.


  -- Uli Raich - 2020-07-26
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