Difference: GPSAndInterfaceThroughUART (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42020-08-28 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

Exercise 9: GPS receiver


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  Peter Hinch has written an asynchronous GPS driver with a parser based on micropyGPS. The driver is already installed in your MicroPython binary. Use this driver to extract the information of exercise 3.
The documentation of as_GPS cant be found at https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-async/blob/master/v3/docs/GPS.md
The documentation of as_GPS can be found at https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-async/blob/master/v3/docs/GPS.md
For the following exercises please follow the description in this TWiki: GPS receiver

Exercise 5: u-center

Connect the GPS receiver to your PC and install ublox u-center. When doing this on a Linux machine you must run u-center under the Windows emulator wine. Check out the possibilities u-center offers. Change the ublox neo 6M baud rate to 115200 and save the setting in the battery backed up RAM.

Exercise 6: gpsd

Install gpsd on your machine and start it using the USB to serial adapter as NMEA source. Print the NMEA messages made available by gpsd using gpspipe and decode the messages with gpsmon. Have a look at the satellite positions with xgps.

Exercise 7: Display the GPS position in a map

Follow the Linux Journal tutorial to display the GPS position on a marble map. Use the serial port as GPS source instead of the mobile phone.

Exercise 8: Display the GPS position in a map when the receiver is connected to the ESP32

For this to work you must write a simple TCP server n the ESP32, which listens to a connection request on port 29998. When the connection request arrives the server connects to the TCP port, reads NMEA messages from the ublox neo 6M connected to the ESP32 UART and sends the sentences to the TCP port without modification.

Write a simple TCP client reading the information from the TCP port and printing it out

On the PC:

  • start gpsd with tcp://IP_OF_ESP:29998 as GPS source
  • check with gpspipe and gpsmon that the data arrive
  • redirect the gspd information to port 29999 using
    gpspipe -r | nc -l 29999
  • run qmlscene on map.qml to send the information to OpenStreetView on marble
 The exercise sheet in odt format:


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