Difference: Hello_worldArduinoVersion_bak ( vs. 1)

Revision 12023-12-18 - UliRaich

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The TinyML examples written in C++

The TinyML examples in C++, ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite-micro-esp-examples/tree/master/examples. There you also find the procedures to actually build the programs. In fact there are two methods of building:

  • use thee Espressif esp-idf build system
  • use the Arduino IDE
  • use the MicroPython interface to TensorFlow MicroPython Examples
The test programs allowing to test the model before deploying it to the target processor can be found in the TensorFlow Lite Micro repository.


For the Arduino SDK (Software Development Kit) you can install the TensorFlowLite_ESP32 library, which does not only contain the TensforFlowLite library but also the examples

  • hello_world
  • wake word detection
  • person detection
-- Uli Raich - 2023-12-18



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