Difference: LvglOnTheT-watchAndASimulator (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32021-01-29 - UliRaich

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LVGL on the T-Watch 2020


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  MicroPython compiles for the t-watch "out of the box". In order to get a version with lvgl and all drivers and their MicroPython language binding to work is another story. Therefore the repository mentioned above.
The MicroPython language binding contains lvgl initialization code in the module display_driver.py, which makes it very easy to create and run simple lvgl programs on the t-watch. display_driver.py checks on which hardware it is running
The MicroPython language binding contains lvgl initialization code in the module display_driver.py, which makes it very easy to create and run simple lvgl programs on the t-watch. display_driver.py checks on which hardware it is running
  • SDL driver for the uniy port simulating a display
  • ili9341, used e.g. on the LoLin TFT-2.4" display
  • or the t-watch
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