Difference: TCS3200 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52022-05-17 - UliRaich

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TCS3200 Color Sensor


Line: 83 to 83

will wait forever, if the number of cycles to be measured, is never reached. This can happen e.g. if the OUT signal is assigned a wrong GPIO pin. The problem can be solved by starting a timeout counter when the measurement is started. This counter can be used to raise an exception if reaching the _cycles limit takes too long.

timeout.py is the same program as meas_freq.py with the timeout counter added. The timeout is set to 2s. The number of cycles to be measured is set to 10000 in order to provoke the timeout.


The formula for the calculation of rgb values is given by:

component = max * (Fv - Fb) / (Fw - Fb) where the variables have the following meaning:

  • component: value of the color component measured
  • max: maximum value the color component can reach. For many color representations, this is 0xff or 255
  • Fv: frequency measured for the color component
  • Fb: frequency measured for a black target
  • Fw: frequency measured for a white target
This means that we must measure the frequencies of each color component for a black and a white target. This is done in calibration.py.

Detecting colors

 -- Uli Raich - 2022-05-16


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