Difference: TCS3200 (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72022-05-29 - UliRaich

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TCS3200 Color Sensor


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 This means that with a setting of 2% the frequency is divided by a factor 50.

The LED control line allows switching the illumination LEDs on and off.



The following table shows the cabling of the TCS3200 (the model on the left photo)

TCS3200 !WeMos bus GPIO
S0 D3 17*
S1 D4 16*
S2 D8 05
S3 D5 18
OUT D6 19
LED D7 23
OE put to GND on the module  
Vcc 3.3V  
* GPIO 16 and 17 cannot be used on the LilyG0 T7 V1.4. Because of this, S0 can be jumpered to GND and S1 to +3.3V via a 5K resistor, resulting in fixed frequency scaling of 2%.

Understanding the module and developing a driver for it

The software is available on github: https://github.com/uraich/TCS3200-MicroPython

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