Difference: TCS3200 (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72022-05-29 - UliRaich

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TCS3200 Color Sensor


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 This means that with a setting of 2% the frequency is divided by a factor 50.

The LED control line allows switching the illumination LEDs on and off.



The following table shows the cabling of the TCS3200 (the model on the left photo)

<-- -->
Sorted descending
!WeMos bus GPIO
Vcc 3.3V  
S3 D5 18
S2 D8 05
S1 D4 16*
S0 D3 17*
OUT D6 19
OE put to GND on the module  
LED D7 23
* GPIO 16 and 17 cannot be used on the LilyG0 T7 V1.4. Because of this, S0 can be jumpered to GND and S1 to +3.3V via a 5K resistor, resulting in fixed frequency scaling of 2%.

Understanding the module and developing a driver for it

The software is available on github: https://github.com/uraich/TCS3200-MicroPython

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