Difference: TheWeatherApp (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42021-02-18 - UliRaich

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The weather app


Line: 30 to 33
 This shows that the nearest city for which I can get a woeid is Zürich with the id:784794

Sending the request,using the method reponse = urequests.get(url) with the url below


returns a json string of this type, from which you can pick the information of interest to you:


response.status_code gives you the http return code (should be 200 if successful).
data = response.json() gets the json data for you and converts it into a Python dictionary from which you must extract the information relevant to you. I pick up this information and put it into a friendly GUI:
response.status_code gives you the http return code (should be 200 if successful).
data = response.json() gets the json data for you and converts it into a Python dictionary from which you must extract the information relevant to you. I pick up this information and put it into a friendly GUI:
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