Difference: FileAttachment (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192010-06-23 - TWikiContributor

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File Attachments

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File Sharing

  • For file sharing, FileAttachments on a series of topics can be used to quickly create a well-documented, categorized digital download center for all types of files: documents; graphics and other media; drivers and patches; applications; anything you can safely upload!
  • For file sharing, FileAttachments on a series of topics can be used to quickly create a well-documented, categorized digital download center for all types of files: documents; graphics and other media; drivers and patches; applications; anything you can safely upload!

Web Authoring

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  • ALERT! NOTE: There is no access control on individual attachments. If you need control over single files, create a separate topic per file and set topic-level access restrictions for each.
  • ALERT! NOTE: There is no access control on individual attachments. If you need control over single files, create a separate topic per file and set topic-level access restrictions for each.

Moving Attachment Files

An attachment can be moved between topics.

  • Click Manage on the Attachment to be moved.
  • On the control screen, select the new web and/or topic.
  • Click Move. The attachment and its version history are moved. The original location is stored as topic Meta Data.
  • Click Move. The attachment and its version history are moved. The original location is stored as topic Meta Data.

Deleting Attachments

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Known Issues

  • Unlike topics, attachments are not locked during editing. As a workaround, you can change the comment to indicate an attachment file is being worked on - the comment on the specific version isn't lost, it's there when you list all versions of the attachment.
  • Attachments are not secured. Anyone can read them if they know the name of the web, topic and attachment.
  • Attachments are not secured by default. Anyone can read them if they know the name of the web, topic and attachment. Ask your TWiki administrator if TWiki is configured to secure attachments.
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, TWikiAccessControl
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Just a sample" date="964294620" name="Sample.txt" path="C:\DATA\Sample.txt" size="30" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Smiley face" date="964294680" name="Smile.gif" path="C:\DATA\Smile.gif" size="94" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.FileAttachment.