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Audio Devices

The kit contains 4 audio devices:

  • 2 microphones with different size and sensitivity
  • an active and a passive buzzer
The microphones are mounted on the same PCB as the analog devices and the comparator can be used to switch on an alarm (including the green LED) when the noise level surpasses a threshold given by the potentiometer
smallMicro.png bigMicro.png
small microphone big microphone
The passive buzzer works like a load speaker and needs a frequency as input signal to work. Changing the frequency will change the pitch.

The active buzzer just needs a DC signal to work. This means that you just apply a DC level between S and - to make the active buzzer work while you must generate a frequency on the S pin of the passive one. "-" is connected to ground.

buzzer1.png buzzer2.png
active buzzer passive buzzer
-- Uli Raich - 2017-01-10


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PNGpng bigMicro.png r1 manage 579.7 K 2017-01-10 - 20:29 UnknownUser big microphone
PNGpng buzzer1.png r1 manage 800.8 K 2017-01-10 - 20:18 UnknownUser active buzzer
PNGpng buzzer2.png r1 manage 835.6 K 2017-01-10 - 20:19 UnknownUser passive buzzer
PNGpng smallMicro.png r1 manage 551.3 K 2017-01-10 - 20:33 UnknownUser small microphone
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-01-10 - uli
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