The BMP180 Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

The BMP180 is a sensor that measures temperature to 0.1 °C precision and barometric (atmospheric air) pressure to 1 Pa precision. The device has been designed by Bosch Sensortec and comes with an I2C interface. The data sheet with a complete description of the chip and how it can be programmed can be found here. In addition to the sensors themselves the device features a 176 bit EEPROM containing individual calibration parameters for each device.

bmp180_front.png bmp180_back.png
front view BMP180 back view BMP180

I connected SDA, SCL, GND and VDD to its corresponding pins on the Raspberry Pi and left VDDIO unconnected.

Bosch Sensortec provides a BMP180 driver, which must however be adapted to the I2C interface library used by the controller (in our case I used pigpio accessed through the pigpiod daemon). The sources ( ) of the library and the include file to be used by clients of the library is attached.

,- Uli Raich - 2017-02-01


- Uli Raich - 2017-02-01


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
PNGpng bmp180_back.png r1 manage 1128.4 K 2017-02-01 - 10:06 UnknownUser  
PNGpng bmp180_front.png r1 manage 1016.0 K 2017-02-01 - 10:06 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatgz bmp180lib.tar.gz r1 manage 70.0 K 2017-02-01 - 10:34 UnknownUser  

This topic: Embedded_Systems > WebHome > MoreSensors > BMP180
Topic revision: r2 - 2021-11-16 - UliRaich
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