---+ Compiling Master Branch Of OpenHantek Getting abreast with Qt has put us through a lot of thinking this few days and truly it has not been easy. Concerning compiling the master branch this is what i was able to do. I first tried with *openhantek2.zip* file Uli put on his page. I downloaded the file and extracted it. Then I installed all the requirements for openhantek by running this (in terminal): <span> =sudo apt-get install cmake qttools5-dev-tools libfftw3-dev binutils-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev= </span> <br />Upon trying to compile from the .pro file in the openhantek folder, about 1,204 errors popped up. I tried various ways to <br />get it to work but all proved futile. Then i decided to use cmake as Obed did. So i downloaded openhantek directly from git. After i followed the steps from <br />the readMe file from the master branch. There were also several errors when i got to the third step. <br />Finally i tried this. Within the folder where i want to keep the openhantek project i did these (within terminal):<br /><br /><code>git init<br />git clone https://github.com/OpenHantek/openhantek.git<br />sudo apt-get install cmake qttools5-dev-tools libfftw3-dev binutils-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev<br /><br />cd openhantek<br />mkdir build<br />cd build<br />cmake ../<br />make -j4</code> After, start Qt Creater. Click 'Open Project'.<br />Browse to the folder where the openhantek folder is.<br />Open the folder and select the file named 'CmakeLists.txt', then click open at the top right.<br />On the next window that opens, click on the small plus sign near the Destkop Qt 5.8.0 GCC 64bit on the left pane.<br />Then click the 'Build' option that appears below.<br />After, the green triangle for running will be visible so you can compile the projeect.<br /><br />I work with Kali Linux. Am quite sure these steps will work on ubuntu as well. -- %USERSIG{JohnGraham - 2017-04-02}% ---++ Comments %COMMENT%
This topic: Embedded_Systems
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-04-02 - JohnGraham
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