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Openhantek2 For Hantek-6022be Oscilloscope

Project Description

The Hantek-6022be is a very simple and very cheap digital storage oscilloscope using the USB bus for its control and trace display.

Openhantek is a Linux program, using Qt as its GUI, but unfortunately it was written for more expensive Hantek scopes and it is incompatible with the 6022be. Several attempts have been made to adapt OpenHantek to the 6022be but none has been successfully finished. The GUI is rather complete but it misses hardware access routines to the 6022be and the hardware access code to the more expensive scopes is entangled in the GUI code making it rather difficult to port it to run the 6022be.

The second version (openhantek2) separates the hardware access routines into libraries, implements a dummy device for testing and re-implements the GUI using qml. However, the hardware access routines are incomplete as is the GUI, which is essentially missing sliders for offset control and trigger level, features the original program has.

Project Timeline




17th March 2017

install Qt 5.8, download openhantek.

Qt5.8 was successfully downloaded and installed on our linux pcs.

21st March 2017

Install Qt5.8 onto your Linux box to /opt/Qt5.8.0 with a symbolic link named Qt5 pointing to Qt5.8.0. Then download David Graeff's version of openhantek (see the TWiki) using git. Read both branches into qtcreator and try to compile.

Qt 5.8 has already been installed into the /opt/Qt5.8.0 directory. Symbolic link was also created and points to QT5.8.0.

Both versions of the openhantek were downloaded but were unable to compile.

22nd March 2017

Adapt the execution path in your .bash_profile of .bashrc file. Also install some of the Qt Examples to get familiar.

Qt as also added to the .bash_profile. A number of the example programs in the Qt creator were installed and successfully compiled.

12th April 2017

#include <random> in sineWaveDevice.cpp

#include <cmath> to deviceBaseSamples.cpp

#include <cmath> to hantekDevice.h

With these modifications to the files, trying to compile openhantek2 reported no errors.

17th April 2017

Compile openhantek2 on kali linux.

Openhantek2 successfully compiled on the kali linux box on following your instructions.

24thApril 2017

Try out QML

Several tutorials from various websites were downloaded and studied though not substantially because of other academic work.

28th April 2017

Come up with a GUI using QML

A simple gui was created with qml


Openhantek [master branch ] working on Kali Linux


Openhantek2 [mr_split_gui_backend] front view on kali linux


Demo Mode of Openhantek2 on kali linux


Simple qml user interface

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng openhantekMaste.png r1 manage 73.0 K 2017-05-01 - 10:28 UnknownUser  
PNGpng openhantek2.png r1 manage 45.8 K 2017-05-01 - 10:28 UnknownUser  
PNGpng firstQml.png r1 manage 39.9 K 2017-05-01 - 10:28 UnknownUser  
PNGpng demoDevice.png r1 manage 75.4 K 2017-05-01 - 10:29 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-05-01 - uli
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