Solutions to the Exercise 3: Switches

Exercise 1:

This is very similar to switching a LED on or off. Again a single GPIO line is used. This time however the pin in programmed as input and we can add a pullup or pulldown resistor: _PB_PIN = 17
pushButton = Pin(_PB_PIN,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)  

Once the pushButton pin is defined we can get its current state with: state = pushButton.value()

Exercise 2:

The MicroPython documentation includes a chapter on writing interrupt service routines

How to do this with GPIO lines is described in

When using interrupts you may run into problems with bouncing of mechanical switches. The transition is not a single clear cut step function but may flip back and forth. Have a look at for an explanation on how to eliminate this problem (software debounce algorithm).

Exercise 3:

Nothing much to be said here. Have a look at the solution:

Exercise 4:

There is no difference in programming between a mechanical and a PIR switch. Just the GPIO line on which the switch is connected must be adapted.

-- Uli Raich - 2020-05-06


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Texttxt r1 manage 1.0 K 2020-06-15 - 09:39 UliRaich  
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PNGpng builtinLED.png r1 manage 17.8 K 2020-05-06 - 09:32 UliRaich  

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Topic revision: r2 - 2020-06-15 - UliRaich
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