from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Pin,I2C import network import time import ssd1306 pinScl = 5 #ESP8266 GPIO5 (D1) pinSda = 4 #ESP8266 GPIO4 (D2) addrOled = 60 #0x3c hSize = 48 # Hauteur ecran en pixels | display heigh in pixels wSize = 64 # Largeur ecran en pixels | display width in pixels oledIsConnected = False #wifi setting SSID="your WiFi SSID" #insert your wifi ssid PASSWORD="your WiFi password" #insert your wifi password SERVER = "" CLIENT_ID = "your Cayenne cliend id" #insert your client ID username='your Cayenne user name' #insert your MQTT username password='your Cayenne password' #insert your MQTT password TOPIC = ("v1/%s/things/%s/data/" % (username, CLIENT_ID)) class Cayenne: def __init__(self): # init ic2 object i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(pinScl), sda=Pin(pinSda)) #ESP8266 5/4 # Scan the i2c bus and verify if the OLED sceen is connected print('Scan i2c bus...') self.devices = i2c.scan() if len(self.devices) == 0: print("No i2c device !") else: for self.device in self.devices: print("OLED found") if self.device == addrOled: self.oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(wSize, hSize, i2c, addrOled) self.oledIsConnected = True def mqttConnect(self): global wlan wlan=network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.disconnect() # try to connect to wlan print('connecting to network...') if self.oledIsConnected: self.oled.fill(0) self.oled.text("Connect",0,0) self.oled.text("to WiFi",0,10) wlan.connect(SSID,PASSWORD) while(wlan.ifconfig()[0]==''): time.sleep(1) print('network config:', wlan.ifconfig()) if self.oledIsConnected: self.ipAddress = wlan.ifconfig()[0] self.oled.fill(0) self.oled.text("IP:",0,0) self.oled.text(self.ipAddress[0:8],0,10) self.oled.text(self.ipAddress[8:],0,20) server=SERVER self.c = MQTTClient(CLIENT_ID, server,0,username,password) self.c.connect() if self.oledIsConnected: self.oled.text("Cayenne",0,30) self.oled.text("MQTT ok",0,40) def publish(self,channel,data): self.c.publish(TOPIC+str(channel),data) print("name: %s"%__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': print("Running Cayenne Test") cayenne=Cayenne() cayenne.mqttConnect()