#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys def parse(calculation): global operator,operand1,operand2 calc = calculation.split() # print(calc, len(calc)) if (len(calc) != 3): print("Wrong calculation string, please repeat!") return False try: operand1 = float(calc[0]) except ValueError: print("First operand: ",calc[0]," is not a float number, please repeat!") return False try: operand2 = float(calc[2]) except ValueError: print("Second operand: ",calc[2]," is not a float number, please repeat!") return False operator = calc[1] if operator != '+' and operator != '-' and operator != '/' and operator != '*': return False return True def plus(): print(operand1,' + ',operand2,' = ',operand1+operand2) def minus(): print(operand1,' - ',operand2,' = ',operand1-operand2) def multiply(): print(operand1,' * ',operand2,' = ',operand1*operand2) def divide(): try: print(operand1,' / ',operand2,' = ',operand1/operand2) except ZeroDivisionError: print('Cannot divide by zero') operations= {'+' : plus, '-' : minus, '*' : multiply, '/' : divide,} global operator,operand1,operand2 while True: print ('Enter the calculation to be performed in the form: "operand1 operator operand2"') print ('Example: "5.3 + 4.2" or "1.4 * 7.9"'); print ('Operation: ',end='') calculation = input() # print(calculation) if parse(calculation): print("String ok"); operations[operator]() sys.exit()