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> > | Remote Desktop (2)When running the remote desktop you are working on the Raspberry Pi with the screen, keyboard and mouse replaced by the devices on the PC. You have the same functionality as if the screen was connected to the Pi’s HDMI port and keyboard and mouse were connected to the USB ports on the Pi.nfs the network file systemWith nfs you can mount part of the Pi’s file system tree onto your PC file system. This allows you access to the Pi’s files as if you were using a local disk. You cannot run any Rasberry Pi programs this way however. It is interesting if you cross-compile Pi programs on your PC, which will be immediately visible on the Pi.ssh the secure shellIn the case of ssh you have a single terminal window that is connected to a shell on the Pi. The command is: ssh userOnPi@piIPaddress Where piIPaddress can be the Pi’s IP address of hostname. If you specify the -X option you can run X-11 based programs where the X protocol is run over the ssh connection.ssh session exampleHere you see a screen dump from the PC with a remote terminal that started an emacs session on the Pi.![]() | |||||||
scpTo copy a file from the PC to the Pi this would be the command: | ||||||||
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> > | Lecture 6 | |||||||
A first glimpse | ||||||||
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Connection to bread board: The cobbler
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< < | Other Rpi connections | |||||||
> > | Other RPI connections | |||||||
I2C is a serial bus often used in computer systems of for | ||||||||
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Go through all the options of the program and see if they make sense to you. | ||||||||
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> > | Accessing the RPI remotelyOf course we can use the interfaces on the Raspberry Pi to connect a screen, keyboard and mouse and use it in stand-alone mode but we can also make use of the PC resources and access it remotely There are several ways to access the RPI remotely:
The remote Desktop![]() scpTo copy a file from the PC to the Pi this would be the command: scp myfile.c uli@rpi-10:exercises/solutions/exercise_2 This will copy the file “myfile.c” into the sub-directory exercises/solutions/exercise_2 on my home directory on the Pi. Of course user uli must exist on raspberry10. Instead of specifying the machine name: rpi-10 you can also give its IP address.Compiling C programs for the Raspberry PiJust like Linux on the PC, Linux on the Raspberry Pi uses the GNU C compiler gcc. The front end:
Cross-Compilation for the PiAs explained in a previous lecture we can also compile C programs for the Raspberry Pi on the PC Linux system using a cross-compiler. The cross compiler we will use is named arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc and it is part of the tools![]() | |||||||
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Currently available OS | ||||||||
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If this is not enough for your then search the WEB for more.
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Around the CPU there are plenty of interfaces | ||||||||
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< < | To know the details (the interfaces only!) have a look at the data sheet explaining them (205 pages!) | |||||||
> > | To know the details (the interfaces only!) have a look at the data sheet explaining them (205 pages!) | |||||||
BCM2835 peripherals | ||||||||
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< < | Here are some of the Raspberry Pi peripherals: | |||||||
> > | Here are some of the Raspberry Pi peripherals: | |||||||
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Raspberry Pi and the real worldYou can easily connect | ||||||||
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short distance interfacing. Many devices having a I2C port
are available and we will program a few: | ||||||||
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More interfacesThere are more interfaces which we will not necessarily use during the course. Students who think that they do not learn enough during this course are invited to come forward. We can easily give you more exercises, e.g to make
What you need to bring a RPI to lifeThis is what you will need to bring a Raspberry Pi to life:
The softwareGo to the Raspberry Pi download page and download the Raspbian image. It comes in 2 versions
How to extract the file system on Ubuntu?Once downloaded we must first unzip the file: Create a folder /opt/ucc/micros/raspberry and copy the zip file into it cd /opt/ucc/micros/raspberry cp ~/Downloads/ . unzip which will give you 2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch.img This is the file system image which will be copied to the SD card bit by bit using the dd commandStructure of the image fileCan we know what is inside this image?![]()
Looking inside the partitionsThis is something only root (the superuser) can do We loop mount the file system:![]() The root partitionOnce we mount the second partition the same way we see that it contains:![]() How to get the OS onto the Raspberry Pi?Now we have the OS on the PC where it does not help us much! We must put it onto a media that can be read by the Rpi. Traditionally this was the micro SD card but you can also use certain types of USB memory sticks (Be careful, not all sticks will work! I use a SanDisk cruzer)Copying the OS to the SD cardIf your PC has an SD card reader then you put the micro SD card into a normal SD card holder. Otherwise there are microSD to USB converters First check which disks you have on you system:![]() Copy the OSNow we are ready to copy the operating system to the SD card (or USB stick)![]() Where X is the disk letter (in our case “c”) This may well take several minutes (the image is some 1.6 Gbytes!) To see the progress: ![]() The moment of truthSafely remove the SD card from your system (unmount if mounted!) Put it into the SD card slot of the Pi Power on th machine With a little bit of luck, it should boot For more details of installing Raspbian on the SD card using a Linux system see First loginRaspbian has a default user named
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> > | Adding software packagesOnce you have come this far you may want to add additional software packages, emacs being one of them You will continue adding packages as you use the system and you will see what is missing.Configuring the systemWe have seen that the system image takes 1.6 Gbytes our SD card however provides 32 Gbytes. How to use it to its full capacity? Start raspi-config (which is a program dedicated to the Raspberry and does not exists und PC Ubuntu)![]() | |||||||
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![]() Slide 1: The Raspberry Pi and how to bring it to life | |||||||||||||||||
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> > | Lecture 5
A first glimpseThere are several versions of Raspberry Pis available on the market:
Raspberry Pi specs![]() Operating systems on the PiFrom the specs we can see that the Raspberry Pi 3 is a full blown computer.With its
Currently available OS
BCM2835 CPUThe CPU has got an ARM processor core with 4 64 bit CPUs The operating system and the Linux kernel are still 32 bit versions (After the course you may try to compile and install a 64 bit kernel yourself. This is a very good exercise to understand how the OS is built!) Around the CPU there are plenty of interfaces To know the details (the interfaces only!) have a look at the data sheet explaining them (205 pages!)BCM2835 peripheralsHere are some of the Raspberry Pi peripherals:
Raspberry Pi and the real worldYou can easily connect
Connection to bread board: The cobbler
Other Rpi connectionsI2C is a serial bus often used in computer systems of for short distance interfacing. Many devices having a I2C port are available and we will program a few:
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![]() Slide 1: The Raspberry Pi and how to bring it to life--![]() Comments |