Difference: MoreSensors (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62018-11-27 - UliRaich

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Additional Sensors

Line: 16 to 16
  • The BMP180 Temperature and Barometric Pressure sensor
  • The HD44780 LCD controller with a 2 x 16 character display and a PCF8574 8bit I/O expander for the I2C bus
  • The ISD1820 audio module
  The Raspberry Pi uses I2C bus 1 for communication with external I2C devices. This can be seen in the /dev directory. Both libraries: wiringpi and pigpio provide access functions to drive the I2C bus. The i2cdetect command allows to see which I2C addresses are in use. The screen dump below shows 2 devices connected to the I2C bus on address 0x3f ( the pcf8574 I/O expander used to driver the hd44780 display driver) and 0x48 (the pcf8591 A/D and D/A chip).
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