Difference: RaspberryPiDescription (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72017-09-27 - uli

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The Raspberry Pi


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  After that we will have to sync the apt packages to the repository which we do with sudo apt update and upgrade all packages to the latest version: sudo apt upgrade.
Now you may install additional packages like emacs or other commands you may be missing using apt install package name.
The hardware access libraries wiringPi and pigpio we will install from source code using git (see below).
Now you may install additional packages like emacs or other commands you may be missing using apt install package name.

When running emacs I get this nasty warning:


You can get rid of it by defining the environment variable NO_AT_BRIDGE: export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 which I do in the system-wide bash initialization script /etc/bash.bashrc. All subsequent bash shells will have this environment variable set up and the problem will be gone.

The hardware access libraries wiringPi and pigpio we will install from source code using git (see below).


Installing wiringPi

First I create a new group named ucc and a new user uccstaff which I make a member of this new group:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="raspberryFileSystem.png" attr="" comment="" date="1506340881" name="raspberryFileSystem.png" path="raspberryFileSystem.png" size="120647" user="uli" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="piEmacsError.png" attr="" comment="" date="1506521541" name="piEmacsError.png" path="piEmacsError.png" size="11998" user="uli" version="1"
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