Difference: RaspberryPiDescription (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92017-10-14 - uli

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The Raspberry Pi


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  You can get rid of it by defining the environment variable NO_AT_BRIDGE: export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 which I do in the system-wide bash initialization script /etc/bash.bashrc. All subsequent bash shells will have this environment variable set up and the problem will be gone.
We had some difficulties to access the Pis on the network because the IP addresses kept changing. Finally we opted for fixed IP adresses which can be configured in /etc/dhcpcd.conf as shown below:


 The hardware access libraries wiringPi and pigpio we will install from source code using git (see below).

Installing wiringPi

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  When you enable VNC in raspi-config the tightvncserver will be installed and run on your system. I use the Remmina Remote Desktop Client which seems to be the standard remote desktop client on PC Ubuntu. However, when running it on the Raspberry Pi server I get an authorization failure which I can get rid of by modifying the authorization method on tightvcnserver from Unix authorization to VNC authorization. You define a password, which you also used on the client (PC) side.
When running VNC without a physical screen attached to the Raspberry Pi you may experience that the desktop window on the PC become very small. This can be fixed by edition the /boot/config.txt on Raspbian. You must set the bramebuffer width and height as shown below.


 -- Uli Raich - 2017-08-14


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