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The Raspberry Pi
Introduction |
You can get rid of it by defining the environment variable NO_AT_BRIDGE: export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 which I do in the system-wide bash initialization script /etc/bash.bashrc. All subsequent bash shells will have this environment variable set up and the problem will be gone. |
> > | We had some difficulties to access the Pis on the network because the IP addresses kept changing. Finally we opted for fixed IP adresses which can be configured in /etc/dhcpcd.conf as shown below:
| The hardware access libraries wiringPi and pigpio we will install from source code using git (see below).
Installing wiringPi |
When you enable VNC in raspi-config the tightvncserver will be installed and run on your system. I use the Remmina Remote Desktop Client which seems to be the standard remote desktop client on PC Ubuntu. However, when running it on the Raspberry Pi server I get an authorization failure which I can get rid of by modifying the authorization method on tightvcnserver from Unix authorization to VNC authorization. You define a password, which you also used on the client (PC) side. |
> > | When running VNC without a physical screen attached to the Raspberry Pi you may experience that the desktop window on the PC become very small. This can be fixed by edition the /boot/config.txt on Raspbian. You must set the bramebuffer width and height as shown below.
| -- Uli Raich - 2017-08-14
Comments |
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> > |
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