Difference: REPLAndStandardPythonProgramming (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52020-05-04 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

Course on Internet of Things

Exercises Session 1:

Introductory remarks:

The scripts we are going to develop during these exercises do not depend on any system issues: We do not use command line arguments not available in MicroPython nor do we use any hardware specific features which are not available on a PC. The exercises can therefore be developed and run on the ESP32 but also on any standard PC with Python3 installed.
The scripts we are going to develop during this exercise session do not depend on any system issues: We do not use command line arguments not available in MicroPython nor do we use any hardware specific features which are not available on a PC. The exercises can therefore be developed and run on the ESP32 but also on any standard PC with Python3 installed.

Exercise 1: Use of REPL

Connect to your ESP32 with minicom or thonny.
Connect to your ESP32 with minicom or thonny. You may try the same thing running Python3 on your PC.
  Using REPL:
  • print “Hello World!”

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  • Calculate and print out the Fibonacci numbers up to F(n). Get n from the user where n >= 0
Try your program for n=0, n=1, n=2, n=3, n=20

  • Ask the user up to which is the maximum number up to which you should calculate.

Exercise 5: Some maths: Calculate the sine function

Write a script that asks the user for an angle in degrees. Calculate the sine of this angle.

Exercise 6: Classes

Write a Python class with methods calculation mathematical number series. These series should be calculated:

  • The Fibonacci numbers up to F(n). n is passed as parameter to the method
  • The Fibonacci numbers smaller than max. max is passed as parameter to the method
  • The prime numbers up to max
  • Factorial:
  • The geometric number series:
  • The harmonic number series:
    Can you tell what the following series calculate?
ln2.png pi.png e.png
Add these series to your class and try. Write a test script exercising the different methods.

When running on a PC you may want to plot the series as well.

  -- Uli Raich - 2020-05-03
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