Difference: ST7735TFTDisplay (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72020-07-28 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

Exercise 10: A TFT Display and the ST7735 display controller


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The font files are actually executable Python code that you can run on CPython on your laptop. Try to run e.g. courier20.py and sysfont.py. You will see a letter, which in case of the courier font will be upright(hmap() returns true), while in the sysfont case it will be turned clockwise by 90 ° (hmap() returns false). Can you write a piece of code that will transform the sysfont glyph into an upright layout?

Exercise 3: Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements from nanogui

Create 2 meters, one for temperature (0..50) and one for humidity (0..100). Generate dummy temperature and humidity values and display them in the meters.

Once the graphics works replace the dummy measurements by real ones from the SHT30.
img_8012.png img_8016.png
Replace the dummy measurements by real ones from the SHT30.



Exercise 4: Plots

Create a plot of a damped oscillator

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Exercise 5: A new GUI element (bonus point)

Create a new "scale" GUI element showing a scale. This should can be used e.g. to create a Voltmeter making use of the ESP32 ADC.


Exercise 6: Mario, a real challenge!


Exercise 6: Super Mario, a bit of a challenge!

Two simple arcade games come with the SD1351 driver demos. One of them is a Super Mario game, which however is based on hardware we don't have. As far as I can see they use a joystick with BlueTooth connection. You can replace this with an analogue joystick we have in our sensor box. 2 ADC channels are needed to read it out.

Two simple arcade games come with the SD1351 driver demos. One of them is a Super Mario game, which however is base on hardware we don't have. Can you modify the code such that you can run the program with the hardware we have (e.g the analogue joystick)?
Here are the connections:
Joystick ESP32 CPU board
5V 3.3V
VRx GPIO 33 or ADC 05
VRy GPIO 34 or ADC 10
Attenuate the input signal by 11 dB. When reading out the ADC with the joystick in its rest position you will obtain values of around 1830. If the value gets lower than 1000 Mario runs left, for values > 2000 he runs right and for values 1000..2000 he is standing still. Same for up and down on the second ADC channel. The ADC channels are only accessible on the ESP32 CPU card, not on the WeMos D1 bus! have a look at the CPU card pinout shown on the TWiki page The hardware.
  -- Uli Raich - 2020-07-26


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