Devices needed

The Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi features

  • SoC: Broadcom BCM2837
  • COU: Quad Core ARM Cortex-A53, 1.2 GHz
  • RAM: 1GB LPDDR2 (900 MHz)
  • Networking: 10/100 Ethernet, 2.4 GHz 802.11n WiFi
  • Storage: micro SD
  • Ports: HDMI, 4*USB2.0, Ethernet, Camera, Serial Interface, Display Interface
Here is a photo of the processor card:


It is better to use a plastic case for protection:


In addition to the processor board itself we need a 5V, 2.5 A power supply with micro USB connector


and a micro SD card for storage. This card will hold the operating system and all the user and system files.


In order to access external devices like our sensors a series of interfaces are available:

  • general purpose I/O pins (GPIO)
  • standard tx,rx serial interface
  • I2C instrumentation bus
  • SPI interface
These interface pins are available on a 40 pin flat cable connector and are made available to the experimenter on a bread board through the cobbler.


Now all we need are the sensors themselves and some connecting cables:


The ultra-sonic distance sensor


The colour sensor


bread board wires

-- TWiki Admin User - 2018-01-21


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng case.png r1 manage 42.1 K 2018-01-21 - 16:21 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng cobbler.png r1 manage 42.4 K 2018-01-21 - 16:21 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng colorSensor.png r1 manage 50.0 K 2018-01-21 - 16:15 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng hc-sr04.png r1 manage 50.9 K 2018-01-21 - 16:15 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng powerSupply.png r1 manage 28.8 K 2018-01-21 - 16:21 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng raspberry.png r1 manage 229.6 K 2018-01-21 - 16:15 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng sd.png r1 manage 10.3 K 2018-01-21 - 16:21 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng wires.png r1 manage 109.3 K 2018-01-21 - 16:21 TWikiAdminUser  
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Topic revision: r1 - 2018-01-21 - TWikiAdminUser
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