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---+ Exercises 3: Files, Pipes and Sockets ---++ Goal: When talking to the sensors during the next exercises we will use a Raspberry Pi to do the readout. Two different libraries are available to easily interface to the sensors: * <p>pigpio ( [[http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio)][http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio]] and</p> * <p>wiringpi (https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi)</p> It is a matter of taste, which of the two you prefer to use. Personally I prefer pigpio, which comes in 2 versions: The first one makes direct access to the Linux kernel drivers while the second one provides the pigpio daemon to which your application connects through either a pipe (if the application runs on the Raspberry Pi) or via sockets, if the application runs e.g. on your PC. Like this you get remote access to the sensors, which are connected and controlled by the Pi. In this exercise we will demonstrate how communication works either via pipes between two processes on the same machine or via sockets where you communicate through the network and the two processes may run on two different machines. (if your “remote host” is localhost then both processes will run on the same machine!). ---++ Exercise 1: Reading and writing files In analogy to the way we read and write pipes we will first try to write some text to a file and read it back with another program. <br /> Write a C program called <i>fileWrite.c </i>which writes the text: hello #1 hello #2 hello #3 to a text file. This file should be readable to anybody but writable only to its owner and members of the group owning the file. Name the file “text.txt”. Use the system calls * <p>open</p> * <p>write/read</p> * <p>close</p> to write and read the file. Have a look at the corresponding man pages first (e..g. _man 2 open_). Check that the file has been created and use cat/more/less or an editor to look at its content. Then write a new program<i> fileRead.c </i>to read back its content into a buffer and print out the result with printf. As an additional exercise you may try to do the same thing with fopen, fwrire, fread, fclose. What is the difference? ---++ Exercise 2: Pipes This exercises demonstrates the communication between two processes via pipes: Write a program that creates a pipe using the <i>pipe </i>system call. Have a look at the man page for _pipe_ to get more information about this call. Then your program will spawn a second process (use the system call _fork_), close the unused pipe ends and send some message from the child process to the parent process who prints the message. Compare writing and reading of pipes to writing and reading files. ---++ Exercise 3: Sockets <font face="Liberation Serif, serif">Now we will communicate between 2 machines: You will have to write 2 programs: </font> * <p><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">a tcp server</font></p> * <p><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">a tcp client</font></p> <font face="Liberation Serif, serif">for this communication to work. In case of our pigpio library the server is the pigpio daemon, which must be started for the library calls to work correctly.</font> <font face="Liberation Serif, serif">The <b>server </b>opens a socket with the _socket_ system call. Have a look at the sockaddr_in structure which must be filled before you can <i>bind </i>to the socket. Use port no 5001 for your server.</font> <font face="Liberation Serif, serif">Once <i>bind </i>was successful (test it!) listen for connect requests on this socket and accept them. Then read messages coming from the client and answer them (e.g. saying:”I saw your message ...”);</font> <font face="Liberation Serif, serif">These are is the sequence of actions to make the server work:</font> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">create a socket (_socket_ system call)</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">clear and then fill the sockaddr_in structure</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><i>bind </i>to the socket</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><i>listen </i>to the socket</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">if there is a connection request accept it</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> _read/write_ from the socket</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> _close_ socket</font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">The </font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><b>client </b></font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">must </font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">create a socket with the </font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> _socket_ </font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> system call</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">fill the sockaddr_in data structure</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><i>connect </i></font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">to the server socket</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"><i>read/write </i></font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">from/to the socket</font></p> * <p align="left"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> _close_ </font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif"> it</font></p> <p align="left"> </p> -- %USERSIG{UliRaich - 2017-08-12}% ---++ Comments %COMMENT%
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