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Setting up the Raspberry Pis

We will have 2 series of Raspberry Pis to set up:

  • The ones for the student exercises
  • The ones for the Open Day
For the Open Day ones it will be enough to have one unprivileged user, member of the gpio and sudo group, while the ones for the student exercises will need at least 5 users:

  • cscgrp1
  • cscgrp2
  • phygrp1
  • phygrp2
  • uccstaff
All the student users must be member of the gpio group (but not the sudo group) while the uccstaff user must be member of both groups.

Before being able to setup the remote desktop to the devices we first must configure them, make sure they always get the same IP address such that we can access them through ssh using their host name instead of their IP address.

This is a preliminary procedure to be followed for setup:


Please note down on a piece of paper each and every little step you do to make the Pis usable for the lab. Compare what you have written with what I uploaded onto the TWiki page and make suggestions of improvements or spot actions that have not been described. Remember that you will have to set up the Raspberry Pis without my help, once I will be gone! Therefore a cookbook type description can be very helpful.

-- Uli Raich - 2017-10-03


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PNGpng piSetup.png r1 manage 78.8 K 2017-10-03 - 08:40 UnknownUser  
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Topic revision: r2 - 2017-10-04 - uli
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