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The Neo 6M GPS receiver Most GPS receivers use a UART to communicate with their hosts and the Neo 6M is no exception. The ESP32 has 3 hardware UARTs with the following...
Exercise 9: GPS receiver Introduction Most GPS receivers use a simple serial interface for communication and provide their data in form of NMEA sentences to the host...
Exercise 8: RTC and data logging Introduction The ESP32 has a real time clock implemented on chip. This will however only work as long as the ESP32 is powered. It...
Exercise 4: The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Introduction The DHT11 is a digital temperature and humidity sensor featuring its own proprietary communication...
Solutions to the exercise on motors Article text. Comments
A WEB Server on the ESP32 A `Hello World!` WEB server Writing a WEB server from scratch is not a trivial task, but then the need of a WEB server is so common that...
Solutions to Exercise 2: LEDs Exercise 1: Here is the screen dump of a REPL session switching the builtin LED on and off: Exercise 2: This is the most simple program...
Solutions to exercise 4: The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Exercise 1: The solution to the exercise is quasi already given in the manual. All you need to...
Solutions to Exercise 1: REPL and standard Python programming Exercise 1: Use of REPL The screen shot shows the REPL session Exercise 2: A simple calculator In the...
Solutions to Exercise 9: Real Time Clock and Data Logging Exercise 1: Since connecting to the Internet through WiFi is a very common task, we develop a module doing...
Solutions to Exercise 4: The I2C Bus and the SHT30 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Exercise 1: After initializing of the I2C bus with from machine import Pin,I2C...
Using a second UART On the ESP32 UART0 is normally reserved for interactive use with REPL. Sometimes we need a UART to communicate with external devices. Typical examples...
The DHT11 Article text. Comments
The sensors and actuators used during the course MicroPython drivers For many of the devices we will use during the course the drivers are already included in MicroPython...
Top Menu of IoT Course English Web This topic defines the menu structure of the IoT Course English web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web`...
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