Difference: MQTTAndCayenne (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52019-05-20 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="WorkshopSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: Setting up an IoT

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The Network Layers

The WeMos D1 mini has a built-in WiFi interface

In order to communicate with other IoT nodes we must therefore connect to the WiFi network first

On top of WiFi we will run a TCP session

On top of TCP we will run the MQTT protocol

On top of MQTT we have dedicated topics and payloads imposed by Cayenne
The WeMos D1 mini has a built-in WiFi interface

In order to communicate with other IoT nodes we must therefore

connect to the WiFi network first

On top of WiFi we will run a TCP session

On top of TCP we will run the MQTT protocol

On top of MQTT we have dedicated topics and payloads imposed by Cayenne


Accessing the WiFi network

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Sending dummy temperature data




Receiving commands

Receiving commands is a bit more tricky! We must:

  • Write a callback function and register it with the MQTT client
  • This function takes 2 arguments:
  • The topic
  • The payload
  • Subscribe to the topic
  • Wait forever. The callback function will be executed when a message with the
    topic we subscribed to, will arrive

Subscribe a callback


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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mqttDummySensorDemo.png" attr="" comment="" date="1558377647" name="mqttDummySensorDemo.png" path="mqttDummySensorDemo.png" size="76145" user="UliRaich" version="1"
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