Difference: MQTTAndCayenne (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92019-05-22 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="WorkshopSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: Setting up an IoT

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Send dummy measurement


Dummy temperature in Cayenne


Dummy temperature parameters


Fix widget to dashboard


Dummy temperature history

Cayenne keeps measurement values which can be plotted as a history plot

or downloaded for further evaluation


A custom widget


A gauge widget


Dummy temperature gauge on the dashboard


Gauge value ranges


It's hot!


Several dummy measurements

Now we want to send a dummy temperature and a dummy humidity value.

How do we distinguish?

They use different communication channels!

Sending temperature and humidity: the code


Dashboard with temperature and humidity


Other measurements

We have seen that we can send temperature with

  • client.celsiusWrite(channel,temp)
And relative humidity with

  • Client.humidityWrite(channel,hum)
Which other types of measurements can we send?

Measurements implemented in the Cayenne Client


How to control a device?

Cayenne supplies only 2 control widgets:

  • a push button
  • A slider

Cayenne Slider


We can define the range for the slider in the above case: 0..255

Slider on the dashboard


A Cayenne Button


Dashboard with button


How to receive commands

We must define a callback function, which is called

whenever the user of the Cayenne dashboard

changes a setting on the push button or slider

The callback takes a message parameter which is a tuple of

  • Cayenne topic
  • Cayenne payload

Cayenne command message


Please compare the command message with our credentials and try to find out

to which channel this command has been addressed. Can you find the values as well?

Remember: we defined the push button on channel 3 and the slider in channel 2!


More on how to interpret this message in the next session


-- Uli Raich - 2019-05-14

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