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Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 08:36 (GMT)

BlueTooth Low Energy (BLE) The ESP32 provides a BlueTooth interface and MicroPython implements a low level interface tto BlueTooth Low Energy or BLE. Some applications...
The driver for BMA423 Triaxial Acceleration Sensor The MicroPython layer in bma423 from was not working because it uses deprecated calls to I2C in MicroPython. However...
BMP180, the temperature and barometric pressure sensor The BMP180 The BMP180 is an I2C sensor by Bosch Sensortec, measuring the ambient temperature and the barometric...
The Shinyei PPD42NS sensor This sensor emits a low occupancy time signal where the relative time the signal is in low state is measured. The connections as are follows...
Lecture 1: Basic Python Programming CSC 321: Embedded Sysytem First Semester 2020/2021 Introduction of Lecturers 1 Uli Raich Formally CERN, Geneva, Switzerland...
Writing a WEB server from scratch We do not want to re invent the wheel, and we will use a WEB server framework already prepared for us by professional programmers...
Number of topics: 6

Topic revision: r40 - 2023-10-30 - UliRaich
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