Recent Changes in IoT_Course_English Web retrieved at 18:45 (GMT)

A WEB Server and the HTTP Protocol Exercise 1: Write a Hello World WEB Server Write a simplistic WEB server, serving a single WEB page. This server is very similar...
The WEB server When writing a WEB server for your sensors and actuators you have 3 possible options: Write the WEB server yourself from scratch: Basic WEB server...
Writing a WEB server from scratch We do not want to re invent the wheel, and we will use a WEB server framework already prepared for us by professional programmers...
The PS2 game controller The PS2 game controller can be used to remotely control our robot cars, robotic arms or other devices. There is a showing how this can be done...
Connecting to WiFi Exercise 1: Verify the available access points before the activation of the ESP32 WiFi.Study the documentation on the WLAN class. Configure...
I2S and sound Introduction In order to play audio files we need: the audio file itself, which we expect to be in uncompressed wav format a file system from...
Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow Introduction For work with ML algorithms I use the esp32 cam module because it is small, cheap and has...
Motors Introduction We have 3 different types of motors in our kit: DC motor: Used for continuous movement in either forward or backward direction and at different...
Exercises on dust sensors Exercise 1: The Plantower sensor The Plantower sensor comes with a flat cable with alternating red and black color. I soldered a female...
Accelerometer and Gyroscope Introduction Accelerometers measure the acceleration along the 3 geometrical axis, usually in units of g (the gravitational acceleration...

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