Difference: WebHome (1 vs. 40)

Revision 402023-10-30 - UliRaich

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  • Bluetooth Low Energy BLE

Revision 392022-11-12 - UliRaich

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Revision 382022-11-02 - UliRaich

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Revision 372022-08-24 - UliRaich

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Revision 362022-07-31 - UliRaich

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Revision 352022-05-30 - UliRaich

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Revision 342022-05-16 - UliRaich

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Revision 332022-01-31 - UliRaich

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  The following pages describe:
  • TinyML (Artificial Intelligence on the micro-controller)
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Revision 322021-12-13 - TWikiAdminUser

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%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
title="The Open Day" contentstyle="overflow: hidden;" }%To be filled
title="Edge Computing" }%In the! IoT course the micro-controller was used to acquire the data which it then sent to a more powerful machine, usually a PC for analysis and display of the results. Today's micro-controllers are however so powerful that some of the data treatment software can be placed there. Reasons to do this may be unavailability of network resources, data safety etc.
The following pages describe:
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Revision 312021-10-21 - UliRaich

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Revision 302021-05-27 - UliRaich

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  The boards can be plugged together in a Lego type manner and no soldering or bread board work is required. Prototype boards exist if students want to build their own hardware.
For questions about the course please contact Isaac Armah Mensah (iamensah@ucc.edu.gh) or Uli Raich (uli.raich@gmail.com)
<--===== WEB LINKS ============================================-->
%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"

Revision 292021-05-15 - UliRaich

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Revision 282021-05-06 - UliRaich

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Revision 272021-02-07 - UliRaich

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Revision 262021-02-06 - UliRaich

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Revision 252021-02-06 - UliRaich

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Revision 242021-01-28 - UliRaich

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  • watch gui and how to add you own applications
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Revision 232020-10-23 - UliRaich

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%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="The LilyGo t-watch 2020"
  contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
}%To be filled
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Revision 222020-09-02 - UliRaich

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Revision 212020-08-31 - UliRaich

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Revision 202020-07-30 - UliRaich

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Revision 192020-07-30 - UliRaich

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Revision 182020-07-04 - UliRaich

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Revision 172020-07-01 - UliRaich

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Revision 162020-06-25 - UliRaich

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Revision 152020-05-25 - UliRaich

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title="Box 5"
title="The Open Day"
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Revision 142020-05-22 - UliRaich

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Revision 132020-05-14 - UliRaich

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Revision 122020-05-14 - UliRaich

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Revision 112020-05-09 - UliRaich

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Revision 102020-05-09 - UliRaich

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Revision 92020-05-07 - UliRaich

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Revision 82020-04-29 - UliRaich

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Revision 72020-04-29 - UliRaich

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Revision 62020-04-28 - UliRaich

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Revision 52020-04-25 - UliRaich

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Revision 42020-04-25 - TWikiAdminUser

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Edit this topic to customize this dashboard. Change the boxes (tiles) to fit the needs of your team.
This is a complete re-work of the Embedded systems course, given at the University of Cape Coast in 2017. While the original course was based on the C language we use Python-3 in this course. The ESP32 WeMos D1 mini boards replace the Raspberry Pi. The reason for the change in hardware is mainly the price. The ESP32 boards can be bought for a few Dollars allowing the students to acquire the hardware and to work on it at home.

The boards can be plugged together in a Lego type manner and no soldering or bread board work is required. Prototype boards exist if students want to build their own hardware.

<--===== WEB LINKS ============================================-->
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  title="IoT_Course_English Web Links" contentstyle="overflow: hidden;" }%
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  title="IoT_Course_English Web Utilities" contentstyle="overflow: hidden;" }%
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Revision 32012-12-29 - TWikiContributor

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SHT 30 Nop I 2 CTemperature And Humidity Sensor
SY 60 s
SELECT212FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">EQy Pye Nb))OR 212=(SELECT 212 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
SELECT168FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">ZEjnu DBt)OR 168=(SELECT 168 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
SELECT305FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">QN 49 Of 1 g OR 305=(SELECT 305 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
KJpm Omel
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-1 OR 3838-838-1=0001
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Revision 22010-05-06 - TWikiContributor

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Recent changes in IoT_Course_English web:
Web Statistics
SHT 30 Nop I 2 CTemperature And Humidity Sensor
SY 60 s
SELECT212FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">EQy Pye Nb))OR 212=(SELECT 212 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
SELECT168FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">ZEjnu DBt)OR 168=(SELECT 168 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
SELECT305FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--" title="By TWikiGuest: 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences">QN 49 Of 1 g OR 305=(SELECT 305 FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--
KJpm Omel
Eg Xod
-1 OR 3838-838-1=0001
-1 OR 2838-838-1=0001
Web Left Bar AND 238=68 ANDr HJb!=r HJb
Web Left Bar AND 238=68 ANDo 2 sk=o 2 sk
Web Left Bar AND 238=68 ANDHc ND=Hc ND
Plk 3 Cr S 9
Dop 3 o 79 D

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Revision 12005-03-28 - TWikiContributor

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