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Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do...
The ESP32 S3 FN8 CPU board This page shows the hardware connections of the onboard devices provided be the ESP32 S3 FN8 CPU board. First of all, this is an ESP32 S...
TinyML Introduction Machine learning (ML) algorithms usually work on huge datasets and require an enormous amount of resources. On the other hand many mobile phone...
The ESP IDF version The esp idf version of hello world is almost identical to the Arduino version except the way it built. We must first tell the idf.py that we are...
The Hello World example Introduction The Hello World example demonstrates a regression model implemented as a neural network with an input layer of a single scalar...
The Hello World example as provided by the tflite micro repository The TensorFlowLite Micro repository provides the code creating the hello world neural network...
The Arduino hello world example For the Arduino SDK (Software Development Kit) you can install the TensorFlow ESP32 library, which does not only contain the TensorFlowLite...
The TinyML examples written in C The TinyML examples in C , ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite micro esp examples/tree/master...
The Magic Wand Example In the Magic Wand example a `magic wand` is used to paint digits into the air. An accelerometer and gyroscope is used to record the movement...
Lecture 1: Basic Python Programming CSC 321: Embedded Sysytem First Semester 2020/2021 Introduction of Lecturers 1 Uli Raich Formally CERN, Geneva, Switzerland...
Lecture 3: Switches CSC 321: Embedded Sysytem First Semester 2020/2021 Switches A Switch is a device which is designed to interrupt the current flow of electrons...
The tinyML Hello World example How does tinyML hello world work? The program takes a value between 0 and 2 Pi; and outputs the corresponding sine value. Of course...
Person detection withMicroPython Even though the final goal of this demo is to get images from a camera and to decide on the spot if there is a person in sight, the...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
The TinyML examples written in C The TinyML examples in C , ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite micro esp examples/tree/master...
BlueTooth Low Energy (BLE) The ESP32 provides a BlueTooth interface and MicroPython implements a low level interface tto BlueTooth Low Energy or BLE. Some applications...
This is a complete re work of the Embedded systems course, given at the University of Cape Coast in 2017. While the original course was based on the C language we...
Preparing the PC for Tensorflow Setting up a virtual Python environment The procedure is described in https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper...
A detailed Analysis of the hello world test.cc program Below the license header the program has a number of include directives giving access to the tflite micro library...
TinyML on the esp32s3 wroom Introduction The esp32s3 wroom is a very cheap esp32s3 board with 8MB of octal PSRAM and an integrated OV2640 2 MPixel camera. Because...
The tinyML examples for the ESP32 written in C All tinyML examples consist of two parts: Creating of the model The application on the micro controller using...
The ESP32 CAM module Introduction The ESP32 CAM module is dedicated to camera readout. It provides an ESP32 S CPU a 2 mega pixel OV2640 camera and its interface...
Dust Sensors Introduction In order to measure air pollution dust sensors play an important role. They are often based on an optical system where light, scattered...
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Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do...

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