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Backlinks to RaspberryPi in all Webs (Search Embedded_Systems Web only)

Results from Embedded_Systems web retrieved at 05:53 (GMT)

The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Name display It is always nice to have a demo where the visitor can become active himself. For this reason we prepared a demo in which the visitor will type his name...
A meteorological station. We have 2 PCBs in our sensor collection for use in a meteorological station: The BMP180 atmospheric pressure sensor, which can also measure...
Stepping Motor The Raspberry Pi`s GPIO pins can also be used to generate the signals needed for the different phases of a stepping motors. Driving a stepping motor...
Traffic light simulator The Raspberry Pi (see Raspberry Pi Description ) is the embedded system we use for our course. It can connect to the outside world through...
The BMP180 Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Sensor The BMP180 is a sensor that measures temperature to 0.1 ...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Exercises 3: Compilation Tools: Editor, Compiler, Linker, Debugger, Make Goal: This exercise session should get you acquainted with the tools we will use for editing...
Exercise List Here is a list of exercises to be solved during the course on emdedded systems. First we play on the Linux system installed on the PC, then we write...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
I2C Real Time Clock and serial EEPROM While our Raspberry Pi is usually connected to the network from which it can get date and time, other micro controllers (the...
Digital Temperature Measurement with the DS18B20 Goal: The is a high precision temperature sensor, which already converts the measured analogue temperature into digital...
Exercises 3: Files, Pipes and Sockets Goal: When talking to the sensors during the next exercises we will use a Raspberry Pi to do the readout. Two different libraries...
The 2 line LCD display. A 2 line LCD display can be used to display simple information. When using an ADC to read voltages it can be used to show the results implementing...
Exercise 15: EEPROM and Driver Access Goal: The goal of this exercise is twofold: First we will learn about an EEPROM, a Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory. These...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Exercise 11: The LCD Display Goal: The main goal of this exercise is to prepare for an exercises on Analogue to Digital Conversion (ADC). In the ADC exercise we will...
Digital to Analogue Conversion Digital to Analogue Conversion: the mcp4275 Lecture 10Uli RaichUCC semester 2017/2018 Analogue versus digital Up to now we only treated...
Course on Embedded Systems, Introduction Held at the University of Cape Coast Winter Semester 2017 Lecture 1Uli Raich (uli.raich #64;cern.ch) Introduction What should...
The Raspberry Pi and how to bring it to life Lecture 6Uli RaichUCC semester 2017/2018 A first glimpse There are several versions of Raspberry Pis available on the...
Accessing the Real World Lecture 7 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 Access libraries As we have already seen, the Raspberry Pi flat cable connector and the cobbler...
Stepping Motors Lecture 9 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 The 27BJY 48 stepper motor and its ULN 2803 driver module A lecture on youtube There is an excellent...
Lecture Slides This page contains all the lecture slides: For more information please contact: uli.raich #64;gmail.com Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: The...
Exercises 5: First Exercise on Hardware: LEDs Goal: Now that we know how to program the Raspberry Pi we will start to setup our first electronic circuits, albeit...
Exercises 1: Discovering Linux Goal: Today...
The MCP4725 Digital to Analogue converter Often we need analogue signal levels or synthetically produced (program controlled) signals to drive external devices. The...
Additional Sensors The sensor kit was originally designed to be used with the Arduino, an Italian micro controller design very popular with hobbyists. The Arduino...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Mid Semester Quiz Embedded Systems course General remarks: In the following quiz more than one answer may be correct or all of the answers may be wrong. Linux commands...
The Raspberry Pi Introduction The Raspberry Pi is a small computer powerful enough to run a full blown operating system like Linux. The 3rd version of this machine...
The Realtime Clock Goal: The real time clock and eeprom module uses the real time clock chip which can be programmed using its I2C bus interface. The pigpio library...
The Robot The robot consists of a 3 wheel chassis where 2 wheels are driven by DC motors. It is controlled by an Arduino Uno and contains an ultrasonic distance...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Interfacing Scilab to the Raspberry Pi or the Arduino Introduction Scilab is a system for open source program for numerical mathematics quite similar to Matlab even...
Preparing Ubuntu on the PC for Raspberry Pi development Exercises: Create your own user and add him to the sudo group (usermod a G sudo yourUserName).Go through...
Solutions to the exercises This is the page to which the solutions will be uploaded. These will mainly consist of gzipped tar files which you can download and unpack...
Stepping Motor Exercises Goal: A stepping motor is a device which is often used when a precise amount of movement is required: an exact angle of a an exact position...
Installing an Ubuntu System on an external USB drive and making it bootable As a first step when preparing a development environment for the Raspberry Pi one must...
Exercise 12: The BMP180 temperature and barometric pressure sensor Goal: The BMP180 is an I2C chip allowing to measure temperature to a precision of 0.1 ...
Measuring temperature and humidity Goal: The DHT11 is a low lost humidity and temperature sensor using its own serial protocol for data transfer. While for 1 wire...
The UCC open day During the Open Day on Oct 18th we will present a number of small projects: a traffic light simulator a name display a stepping...
Tutor Sessions This contains exercises for the UCC staff to get acquainted with Ubuntu Linux, the Raspberry Pi hardware and Raspbian OS, cross compilation, ARM emulation...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Embedded Systems Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Embedded Systems web. These preferences override the site level preferences...
The Web is dedicated to the course on embedded system at the University of Cape Coast. Ghana, held in 2017 for the first time. The course is dedicated to data acquisition...
Number of topics: 54

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