3-axisAccelerometers topic: | |
2018-11-27, | |
2018-11-27, | |
2018-12-21, | |
ADS1115 topic: | |
2018-11-27, | |
ANameDisplay topic: | |
2017-10-06, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-11-12, | |
ASmallMeteorologicalStation topic: | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-11, | |
2017-10-11, | |
2017-10-12, | |
ASteppingMotor topic: | |
2017-10-09, | |
ATrafficLightSimulator topic: | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-11, | |
AVoltmeter topic: | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-11-13, | |
AnAdditionalLectureOnCProgramming topic: | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
AnalogDevices topic: | |
touch.png touch sensor |
2017-01-08, |
temperatur.png temperature sensor |
2017-01-08, |
flame.png flame sensor |
2017-01-08, |
bigreed.png reed switch |
2017-01-08, |
analogue.png circuit diagram of analogue boards |
2017-01-08, |
hall.png hall sensor + comparator |
2017-01-10, |
AnalogueToDigitalConversion topic: | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-11-27, | |
AudioDevices topic: | |
buzzer1.png active buzzer |
2017-01-10, |
buzzer2.png passive buzzer |
2017-01-10, |
bigMicro.png big microphone |
2017-01-10, |
smallMicro.png small microphone |
2017-01-10, |
BMP180 topic: | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-01, | |
CompilationTools topic: | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
DS1307 topic: | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-01, | |
DigitalTemperature topic: | |
2017-04-06, | |
2017-04-06, | |
DigitalToAnalogueConversion topic: | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-11-27, | |
ExamPhys topic: | |
2017-11-23, | |
2017-11-28, | |
ExercisesInPython topic: | |
2017-12-04, | |
2017-12-04, | |
2017-12-04, | |
2017-12-04, | |
2017-12-04, | |
HD44780 topic: | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-01, | |
2017-02-04, | |
2017-10-09, | |
2017-11-16, | |
Hantek6022BEScope topic: | |
lsusb-1.png lsusb before loading firmware |
2017-01-24, |
lsusb-2.png lsusb after loading firmware |
2017-01-24, |
pulseview.png pulseview |
2017-01-24, |
2017-02-09, | |
2017-02-11, | |
2017-03-14, | |
2017-03-14, | |
2017-03-14, | |
2017-03-15, | |
2017-03-19, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-04-09, | |
2017-10-16, | |
HeartBeatMonitor topic: | |
2017-02-05, | |
HeartBeatSensor topic: | |
2017-11-14, | |
2017-11-14, | |
I2CEEProm topic: | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-29, | |
ISD1820 topic: | |
2017-02-14, | |
ImplementingTheArduinoToolbox topic: | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-15, | |
2019-01-15, | |
2019-01-15, | |
2019-01-16, | |
2019-01-16, | |
2019-01-16, | |
2019-02-02, | |
2019-02-02, | |
2019-02-02, | |
2019-02-07, | |
2019-02-07, | |
2019-02-07, | |
2019-02-08, | |
LCDDisplay topic: | |
2017-08-20, | |
2017-08-20, | |
2017-08-20, | |
2017-11-27, | |
Lecture10:DigitalToAnalogueConversion topic: | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-16, | |
Lecture11:The2LineLCDDisplay topic: | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-06, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-16, | |
2017-11-16, | |
2017-11-16, | |
Lecture12:AnalogueToDigitalConversion topic: | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-21, | |
2017-11-23, | |
Lecture1:Introduction topic: | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-07, | |
Lecture2:TheLinuxOperatingSystem topic: | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-06, | |
2017-09-05, | |
2017-09-06, | |
2017-09-06, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
Lecture3:IntroductionToCProgramming topic: | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-07, | |
2017-09-08, | |
2017-09-08, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-15, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
Lecture4:DevelopmentTools topic: | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-09-11, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
Lecture6:BringingTheRaspberryPiToLife topic: | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-14, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-09-19, | |
2017-10-12, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
Lecture7:AccessingTheRealWorld topic: | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
Lecture8:DHT11TemperatureAndHumiditySensor topic: | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-20, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
Lecture9:SteppingMotors topic: | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-16, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-17, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-03, | |
LedDevices topic: | |
leds.png standard LEDs |
2017-01-03, |
2colLedschematic.png 2 colored LED schematic |
2017-01-03, |
flashSchematic.png flash LED schematic |
2017-01-03, |
rgbSMDschematic.png SMD rgb LED schematic |
2017-01-03, |
rgdLEDschematic.png rgb LED schematic |
2017-01-03, |
ledschematics.png LED schematics |
2017-01-03, |
led.png LED explanation |
2017-01-03, |
2colorLEDs.png 2 colored LEDs |
2017-01-03, |
3colLed-1.png SMD rgb LED |
2017-01-03, |
3colLed-2.png rdb LED |
2017-01-03, |
laser.png laser |
2017-01-03, |
IREmit.png IR transmitter |
2017-01-03, |
flashingLED.png flash LED |
2017-01-03, |
laserSchematic.png laser schematic |
2017-01-03, |
LedDisplay topic: | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-11-27, | |
LightMeasurement topic: | |
2017-04-06, | |
LinuxSystem topic: | |
2017-09-06, | |
2017-09-06, | |
2017-09-07, | |
MCP4725 topic: | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-09-27, | |
MoreSensors topic: | |
2017-02-01, | |
PCF8591 topic: | |
2017-02-04, | |
2017-02-04, | |
2017-02-04, | |
ProgrammingExercise topic: | |
2017-09-18, | |
2017-09-18, | |
Quiz topic: | |
2017-11-15, | |
2017-11-15, | |
RaspberryPi topic: | |
2017-10-12, | |
2017-10-12, | |
2017-10-25, | |
RaspberryPiDescription topic: | |
2017-09-25, | |
2017-09-27, | |
2017-10-14, | |
2017-10-14, | |
RealTimeClock topic: | |
2017-04-06, | |
2017-04-06, | |
RemoteControlThroughBluetooth topic: | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-04-27, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-27, | |
2017-10-27, | |
2017-11-24, | |
2017-11-24, | |
2017-11-24, | |
2017-11-24, | |
ReportOnTheServoMotorControl topic: | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
ReportOnUltrasonicDistanceMeasurements topic: | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
RobotKit topic: | |
robotKit.png robotkit |
2017-01-24, |
motor_assembly.png motor assembly |
2017-01-24, |
backWheel.png front wheel |
2017-01-24, |
servoHolder.png servo holder |
2017-01-24, |
distanceSensor.png distance sensor |
2017-01-24, |
mountedSensor.png mounted sensor |
2017-01-24, |
servoMotor.png servo motor |
2017-01-24, |
java.png java error |
2017-01-24, |
mountedRobot.png The error I get when I run the install.sh file |
2017-01-28, |
2017-03-17, | |
2017-03-19, | |
RotaryEncoder topic: | |
2017-02-05, | |
2017-02-05, | |
2017-02-05, | |
Scilab topic: | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
2019-01-07, | |
SensorKit topic: | |
kitbox_closed.png box of the sensor kit closed |
2017-01-08, |
kitbox_open.png box of the sensor kit open |
2017-01-08, |
SerialDevices topic: | |
2017-02-04, | |
2017-02-04, | |
SerialProtocol topic: | |
2017-11-21, | |
Session1:PreparingTheOS topic: | |
2017-09-11, | |
Session2:CProgramming topic: | |
2017-09-20, | |
2017-09-20, | |
2017-09-20, | |
2017-09-20, | |
2017-09-20, | |
2017-09-20, | |
SettingUpTheRaspberryPis topic: | |
2017-10-03, | |
SketchForBluetoothControl topic: | |
2017-10-30, | |
SolutionsToTest1 topic: | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
SolutionsToTest2 topic: | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
SolutionsToTheExercises topic: | |
2017-10-14, | |
2017-10-14, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-10-31, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-01, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-03, | |
2017-11-08, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-12, | |
2017-11-13, | |
2017-11-14, | |
2017-11-14, | |
2017-11-30, | |
2017-11-30, | |
2017-12-12, | |
SpecializedSwitches topic: | |
2017-02-05, | |
2017-02-05, | |
SteppingMotor topic: | |
2017-05-11, | |
2017-05-11, | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-10-26, | |
2017-11-27, | |
SwitchDevices topic: | |
pushbutton.png push button |
2017-01-15, |
miniReed.png simple reed switch |
2017-01-15, |
bigreed.png reed switch on analogue board |
2017-01-15, |
ballSwitch.png ball switch |
2017-01-28, |
pbschematic.png pushbutton circuit diagram |
2017-01-28, |
newmercury.png mercury switches |
2017-01-28, |
newmagicCup.png mercury switches |
2017-01-28, |
magicCupCircuit.png schematic of mercury switches |
2017-01-28, |
mercurySwitchSchematic.png schematic of mercury switches |
2017-01-28, |
2017-02-04, | |
SystemInstallation topic: | |
installationType.png partition layout |
2016-03-22, |
preparation.png attached disks |
2016-03-22, |
partition.png partition layout ass seen with gdisk |
2016-03-22, |
2016-03-22, | |
2017-01-03, | |
2017-01-03, | |
2017-01-03, | |
TemperatureHumidity topic: | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-10-25, | |
2017-11-27, | |
2017-11-29, | |
2017-11-29, | |
Test1 topic: | |
2017-10-02, | |
2017-10-02, | |
2017-10-02, | |
Test2 topic: | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-23, | |
2017-10-24, | |
2017-10-24, | |
TheUCCOpenDay topic: | |
2017-10-11, | |
2017-10-11, | |
ThisFar topic: | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
2017-05-01, | |
TrackingAndAvoidanceSensor topic: | |
2017-02-05, | |
2017-02-05, | |
2017-02-24, | |
WebPreferences topic: | |
Cape_Coast_Castle_Balcony_02_Sept_2012.jpg placeholder Cape Coast Castle |
2016-02-11, |